Tae off with iiRDS membership


iiRDS members

YOU Can Be Part of the iiRDS Consortium

We invite you and your company or university on board to become an important part of the further development of iiRDS.

Are you and your company/university interested in taking exciting steps in the IoT with us? Or would you consider being a pilot in implementing iiRDS?

Benefit from:

  • Getting involved in the further development of the tekom iiRDS
  • Improving your competencies in the field of intelligent information delivery
  • Sharing your opinions and know-how with other experts and decision-makers
  • Taking part in the professional technical decision-making process
  • Being among the first to know which steps we will take next
  • Being one of the first to implement new releases ahead of the rest in the Internet of Things
  • Being part of a strong community dedicated to the advancement of technical communication

iiRDS Explanatory Video

The video explains the aims of the Consortium and how the Consortium is organized.

Get a visual impression

Want to know more? Contact us:

iiRDS Project Manager
Susanne Lohmüller
+49 711 65704-78

Get in touch with us!

iiRDS on YouTube


A short excerpt from our introductory webinar on iiRDS introducing the Consortium.

iiRDS YouTube

Benefits of Membership in the iiRDS Consortium

Full Member

Full members actively participate in the operative work regarding the maintenance and further development of iiRDS administered by the steering committee, in particular by sharing their know-how, sending representatives to the sub-working groups, and contributing financially as well. Full members are named as such in any publication about the Consortium.

Furthermore, full members

  • nominate and send delegates to the Annual Meetings

  • receive annual financial reports

  • send experts to the sub-working groups

  • vote in technical ballots

  • have full access to technical information regarding iiRDS

Membership fee: 5,000 € per vote and per year, max. 6 votes

Contributing Member

The main difference between full membership and contributing membership is that full members are more influential in the decision-making process, as they are entitled to send representatives to annual meetings where decisions on the development of iiRDS are made. Secondly, a full membership, it is possible to purchase several votes (up to six), which can further increase influence.

Contributing Members have the right and obligation to

  • receive annual financial reports

  • send representatives to the sub-working groups

  • vote in technical ballots

  • have full access to technical information regarding iiRDS

  • be entitled to be named as contributing member in any publication about the Consortium

Membership fee: 2,500 € per year

University Member

The iiRDS Consortium would like to increase collaboration with universities. Therefore, depending on budget and availability, the Consortium offers a certain number of free, practice-oriented guest lectures conducted by Consortium members.

University members have the right and obligation to

  • send representatives to the sub-working groups

  • have full access to technical information regarding iiRDS

  • be entitled to be named a university member in any publication about the Consortium


Sponsors do not have members' rights. They receive an internal newsletter about the progress of the Consortium. Sponsors are named as such in any publication about the Consortium.

Membership fee: 1,000 € min. per year