iiRDS Request API


iiRDS Request API Specification

More and more business use cases demand a standardized interface to access data via iiRDS. An API specification is needed to grant system providers and programmers the ability to access content via iiRDS and a common API interface.

Thus, the iiRDS Consortium put the development of the request part out to tender in fall 2023 and awarded the contract at the end of 2023 to Empolis Information Management GmbH, which worked together with ICMS GmbH to develop the principles and a detailed OpenAPI specification in accordance with the specifications from the tender. This first project phase was accompanied by the iiRDS Tools Validation Content working group. You can now download and test the Draft Release for Comments below.

This OpenAPI specification describes the structure of a generic API for querying and retrieving iiRDS RDF resources. Several endpoints are specified which, individually or in combination, cover the most common use cases for querying such resources. For a higher degree of freedom in retrieving iiRDS resources, additional endpoints are specified that can be optionally implemented to enable user-defined queries.

Open the OpenAPI Specification

Download "How to Use the API"

Your feedback is important to us! Please send your questions and comments to Susanne at the iiRDS Office. We can then incorporate feedback by the end of September into the second phase of the project to create a mock API. The second phase of the project will start in August and should be completed in October.

At tcworld conference 2024 you will have the opportunity to learn more about iiRDS. The Request API in particular will be discussed in the lecture "iiRDS: Latest Developments" with the iiRDS WG Conveners and in the tutorial "From DITA via iiRDS to GenAI – Establishing a complete information chain" by Empolis.

Call to action

We welcome feedback and questions about our tools as well as new ideas for the further development of iiRDS.

Get in touch with us!

Further information

Visit our iiRDS presentations at the tcworld conference in November 2024 where we will also talk about the Request API.

Read more