iiRDS members


How the iiRDS Consortium Operates

Steering Committee

The members of the iiRDS Consortium, diverse in their expertise and interests, contribute their knowledge to the multifaceted potential of iiRDS – because the goal is to consistently establish and expand the standard in various areas. 

The maintenance and further development of the standard is administered by the steering committee. During its annual meeting in 2022, the iiRDS Consortium elected the steering committee for the next two years. The following existing members ran again and were confirmed in office: Andreas Klüter (Empolis Information Management), Anne Kuhsen (SEW-Eurodrive), Jan Oevermann (plusmeta), Marcus Hoffmann (Siemens), Niko Schad (Heller), Ulrike Parson (parson), Volker Römisch (Noxum). Dominik Haag (Docufy) was newly elected. The steering committee has a coordinator. In the beginning of 2023, the steering committee elected Anne Kuhsen from SEW-Eurodrive as the coordinator for the next two years.

The office of the iiRDS Consortium is provided by the leading member (tekom). The office provides the presiden of the Consortium (Ralf Robers) and employees who take over the management and the communication of the Consortium, as the CEO (Isabelle Fleury) and the project manager (Susanne Lohmüller).

Working Groups

For the further development of iiRDS, the Consortium has established working groups to attain the goals defined in the annual roadmap. Three main directions for further development, which have been transferred to three working groups, have emerged here:


iiRDS working groups

This working group continuously reviews the functions of the standard for functionality and usefulness. A team of experts maintains and extends both the specification and the ontology, as well as the different industry-specific manifestations of the ontology.

So far, iiRDS exists for the three domains

  • core,
  • machinery, and
  • software.

Convener: Dr. Harald Stadlbauer, Ninefeb

Tools – Validation – Content

The "Tools – Validation – Content" working group has set itself the goal of clarifying how the standard works and making it easier for interested parties to get started with iiRDS. For this purpose, concrete sample content for the fictitious fan "PI-Fan" was published in 2019. As the iiRDS Sample Content, this exemplifies how typical information for use can be tagged with standardized metadata. This is also where the iiRDS Open Toolkit was created, which enables users to enrich their own content with metadata in just a few steps and create iiRDS-compliant packages from it.

In November 2022, the iiRDS Validation Tool was released to validate generated iiRDS packages. This year, the working group supports the development and testing of the Request API and the iiRDS Plugin for DITA-OT. Both projects started in fall 2023. The plugin is planned for release by the end of March 2024.

Convener: Dr. Achim Steinacker, Empolis Intelligent Views GmbH


iiRDS team work

The focus of the "Standards" working group is to be active in national and international standardization bodies in order to be able to convert iiRDS into an international standard. For example, TC 3 of the IEC has revised our of a "Publicly Available Specification" (PAS) and published "IEC PAS 63485:2023 Intelligent Information Request and Delivery - A process model for the exchange of information for use" in October 2023. This represents a major step into the world of standardization. The content addresses a model of the information flow and also recommends the minimum metadata requirements for an iiRDS-compliant package. The working group is planning to submit a New Work Item Proposal (NP) to establish iiRDS as an International Standards (IS).

Furthermore, iiRDS succeeded in being listed in the "Maintenance" chapter of the German Standardization Roadmap, Industry 4.0, a joint project of DIN, DKE and the Standardization Council 4.0. The InterOpera Asset Administration Shell submodel project "Intelligent Information for Use" based on iiRDS was completed and published in June 2023.

Convener: Dr. Michael Fritz, tekom Europe/tcworld GmbH

Explanatory Video

The video explains the aims of the Consortium and how the Consortium is organized.

Get a visual impression

Any Questions?

iiRDS Project Manager
Susanne Lohmüller
+49 711 65704-78

Contact us!

iiRDS on YouTube

A short excerpt from our introductory webinar on iiRDS introducing the Consortium.

iiRDS YouTube